Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Will airbrushing ever be eradicated?

The images you see today in your magazines aren't real. Yes, they were real, but since airbrushing came along, photographs have been edited to within an inch of their lives to recreate what is now known as the "perfect" look. With airbrushing you can; tan, colour, cut, lengthen, maximise, minimise, smooth, delete, crop, whiten, darken...the list is endless. But what happened to a natural photograph? The public are slowly coming to realise that the images they see in their magazines cannot possibly be lived up to, but there is still a number of people that still aspire to look like them, a look that they will never achieve. It is such a shame that these are the main images that young adults have access to and believe that they too could look the same. 

But the truth is...

...these models aren't real. Yes, they are most certainly beautiful in real life, but even the beautiful models get airbrushed! Let's not aspire to look like this, because it is impossible.

Here is a video that I think sheds some light on the matter at hand...
Evolution of a model...the truth.

- Rachel xx

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